
Posts tagged “Vatican

One of God’s Creatures, Rome

This image was shot inside the Vatican Museum. The Vatican Museums originated as a group of sculptures collected by Pope Julius II (1503-1513) and placed in what today is the “Cortile Ottagono” within the museum complex. The popes were among the first sovereigns who opened the art collections of their palaces to the public thus promoting knowledge of art history and culture.

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Vaulted Ceiling at The Vatican

No Tripods Allowed

I was so shocked to find that photography was allowed in The Vatican Museum after the entire “No Tripods” episode with the Italian Security Police. Well, even with no tripod, given a steady mount one can grab a few brackets for a 3 EV HDR. The architectural details inside the Museum are beyond words and almost images. (Nikon D90, 10-20mm Sigma, Capture NX2, Photomatix, No Tripod)

Image of the Day: Vatican Vaulted Ceiling, Rome

When exploring the Vatican Museum, we were struck by the beauty and scope of the vaulted ceilings that were to be found everywhere. Of course, the most amazing was The Sistine Chapel, but photos there were strictly forbidden for obvious reasons. This ceiling was in one of the museum wings – take a bit of time to examine the details…incredible! (handheld, 3 shot HDR, 10mm on a Nikon D90)

Try painting that at home on your back

Nightly Image: St. Peter’s, Rome

This HDR was shot in the sumputously decorated basilica. The vast basilica’s 615ft long marble-encrusted interior contains 11 chapels and 45 alters in addition to a wealth of precious works of art. This shot is of Throne of St.Peter in Glory. In the domed apse, the window above Bernini’s Baroque sculpture  lights the image of the holy spirit, shown as a dove amid clouds, rays of sunlight and flights of angels.